- Funding, Gender-Based Violence
Read here our funding requests that advocate for important programs and initiatives within the President’s Budget and appropriations that help reduce and prevent violence against women, girls and children globally.
Read here our funding requests that advocate for important programs and initiatives within the President’s Budget and appropriations that help reduce and prevent violence against women, girls and children globally.
Futures Without Violence strongly opposes work requirements currently being discussed as part of the debt ceiling/budget negotiations because they would be particularly harmful to victims of domestic violence and children experiencing abuse and neglect. Read our statement on the issue here.
Safe Leave is an essential type of leave from work that allows survivors or family members close to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or stalking to take protected time off for many reasons related to the violence they’re experiencing. Safe leave is important because it allows survivors to maintain employment and the subsequent economic resources essential to gaining and maintaining safety. Read more on Safe Leave in our fact sheet.
FUTURES knows that Julie Su is the most qualified and best choice to be our next Secretary of Labor. We urge the Senate to move forward with speedy nominations hearings and confirmation process to confirm Julie Su.
In December, the U.S. Department of State releases the updated United States Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Globally. Futures Without Violence worked hard with partners to heavily influence the strategy to advance equity, support comprehensive approaches to address violence, and strengthen the commitment and work of the U.S. Government.
Futures Without Violence and the whole gender-based violence community fought hard to ensure violence prevention programs and strategies were included to be funded in the final legislation passed by the 117th Congress.
CTAP is a working group of national organizations joining together to advance federal policy that prevents and responds to childhood trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Advocates for survivors of domestic violence, child abuse, and low-income mothers are deeply concerned that the released proposal that would amend the Child Tax Credit, called the Family Security Act 2.0 (“FAS 2.0”), may do more harm than good, particularly to the most vulnerable mothers and children.
Are you an employer or manager? Read our blog post for more information on what goes in to making a Workplace Safety Plan, and how you can help prevent violence for the people in your office or profession.
It is becoming increasingly common for health care settings to respond to the non-medial, social needs of their patients, such as for housing or food insecurity and as part of that work increasingly addressing domestic violence. Health care providers now have access to a range of tools, including online supported referral and coordination platforms, sometimes called Social Service Referral Organizations (SSRO).
Learn more about how SSRO’s help providers connect patients with the help they need in this Policy Memo: Evaluating Social Service Referral Platforms: Considerations for Domestic and Sexual Violence Referrals.
It takes courage to heal from violence, and call it what it is. Read our response to JD Vance’s statements implying victims are obligated to stay in violent marriages.
The Supreme Curt ruling in the Dobbs case will cause real harm to those facing violence and abuse, and undermine work to make families and communities safer and healthier. Read our statement on the Dobbs decision and how this will impact survivors of violence, pregnant and birthing people, and child victims of assault and rape.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as experiencing or witnessing violence or abuse, are linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and substance misuse in adulthood.
Gender-based violence (GBV), including intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence, is a public health priority that requires comprehensive public health solutions.
This brief details the importance of domestic violence survivors having access to affordable, reliable, and flexible child care. Research shows that the inability to access affordable, reliable, and flexible child care can keep survivors out of the workforce, force them to remain with abusive partners for financial stability, and endanger the health, safety, and wellbeing of their children.
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