In 2022, USAID/KENYA requested Adolescents and Children, HIV Incidence Reduction, Empowerment, and Virus Elimination (ACHIEVE) to partner with Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) to implement our Coaching Boys Into Men (CBIM) program throughout Kenya within their OVC and/or Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe (DREAMS) programs. The USAID Implementing Partners (IP) that engaged in this process included USAID Tumika Mtot, USAID Tujitegemee, USAID AMPATH Uzima, Imarisha Jamii, Boresha Jamii, and USAID Kenya.
FUTURES Traveled to Nairobi to conduct the CBIM training for 31 participants consisting of ACHIEVE staff and local Implementing Partner staff. The training took place from June 30 to July 2, 2022. At the end of the 3 day training, the 31 participants had met a key requirement on their path to becoming Certified Coach Facilitators and were well poised to begin the training of community coaches throughout the various regions of Kenya.
For instance, USAID Tumika Mtoto has trained 65 coaches in Nairobi with over 230 athletes participating in the CBIM Program. This is just a snapshot of the trainings and the final reach numbers will come in after the delivery to the athletes has been completed.
By the fall of 2022 the coaches began the delivery of the CBIM Card series to their athletes. By the end of the first academic quarter, the athletes will have completed the card series and we will look to capture the stories and narratives of the impact and outcome of those sessions. The video provided here captures an earlier implementation of the CBIM cards in Kenya prior to the scale up of efforts.